Take our exclusive Scent Quiz and discover YOUR Scent Persona. Our 12 lifestyle questions will reveal your fragrance choices and your answers will be tabulated to reveal which Fragrance Family most suits you.

Do you prefer Fresh, Floral, Woodsy or Spicy scents? 

Take the Quiz by selecting your answer to each question from the A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s and discover your fragrance personality and I will then create a beautiful, unique fragrance just for you.

Meet Sue Phillips,
The Foremost Fragrance Authority & Perfume Designer

Fresh Blends

Floral Blends

Spicy Blends

Woodsy Blends

Celebrate The Fine Art of Fragrance

Create your own signature scent for men and women, or choose from one of Sue Phillips' luxurious, exquisite perfume blends.

Jamie Foxx returned to create a fragrance at Sue's Upper Eastside boutique having previously made a fragrance with Sue at her old boutique in Tribeca.